Class Schedule

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
5:30am CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
6:30am CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
8:30am Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club
9:00am CrossFit
9:30am CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
10:30am Strength Club
11:00am Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club
12:00pm CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
4:00pm Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club
5:00pm CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
6:00pm CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit
7:00pm Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club Strength Club

Weightlifting Calendar

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9:00am Session One
10:30am Session Two
11:30am Session One Session One Session One Session One
3:00pm High School WL High School WL High School WL High School WL
4:30pm Session Two Session Two Session Two Session Two
6:00pm Session Three Session Three Session Three Session Three

Sports Performance Calendar

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
3:00pm Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility
4:00pm Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training
6:00pm Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training Strength Training
7:00pm Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility Speed, Quickness, and Agility


RIse Athletics Man Doing Ring Pushups


CrossFit is a fitness program that combines strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and functional movements to improve overall health and fitness. The program is based on functional movements that are similar to real-world activities, such as squats, lifts, and presses, that work multiple muscle groups at once. The goal of each workout is to achieve a certain goal, such as lifting as heavy as possible, moving as fast as possible, or doing as many reps as possible.

RIse Athletics Man doing a Squat

Strength Club

This foundational class focuses on teaching and developing the six fundamental movements; squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull, and carry. By focusing on developing your mobility, strength and stability in these movement patterns, our goal is to teach you how to move better through your everyday life.

RIse Athletics Man Lifting a Barbell

Olympic Weightlifting

Our Weightlifting program is designed to help you excel in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. These classes focus on developing technique in the two olympic lifts, the snatch and the clean and jerk. While also building the power, strength and mobility needed for Weightlifting.

RIse Athletics People Running on Treadmill

Sports Performance

These classes focus on developing the three pillars of Sports Performance. Speed, quickness + agility, strength + power and movement control + proficiency. Everything you need to excel at your sport.


Check out our pricing

Our all-access membership starts at $145 per month. Learn more about our pricing options now.

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